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Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I join this CCA?
You should send us the relevant personal informations stated above to our club email (cca_futsal@np.edu.sg).

Can I ask my friends to come along?
Yes! Provided they had send us their personal informations and the committee approved him to come.

How many CCA points will I get?
From 1 to 2 CCA points if participate in only training sessions. To obtain 1 CCA points, you've to attend more than 70% of the training sessions. To obtain 2 CCA points, you've to attend more than 85% of the training sessions.

How do I get more CCA points?
For the past years, we've participate in Tentons, Polympics to get extra CCA points. We also organise outings and our own Futsal Tournament to get more CCA points.

What is my attire for training?
Sports Attire, means t-shirt/jersey, shorts and shoes/street soccer boots. Improper attire will be chase out of the court.

How do I know when got training?
We'll inform you through your NPmail or your personal email. We'll also put out the dates for training on the blog itself. Therefore, there's no reason for you to say you don't know there's training.

Can outside people join the CCA?
Sorry, No!

Can my friends come in and play during training?
Strictly a 'NO'!

When is the day for training for girls?
Tuesday, 5pm-8pm

I'm a 3rd-year student having attachments in one of the semesters, can I still join the CCA?
Of course you can! But you've to tell me which semesters you're in for attachments. During your attachments, you'll not get any CCA points as stated by the insituition. This information also apply to the current members.